Masters State Affiliation

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Games/Events Details

Address Details

Account Details

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your image

Rules And Regulations

  1. I have carefully read & I agree and I accept, the following Terms & Conditions, Rules and regulations & Policys set forth herein.
  2. Participants must wear same uniform in the events. Individual participants must wear uniform similar to the other participants of the event.
  3. Participants will bring their own equipments and other related things during national and international events and themselves will be responsible for its security.
  4. Participants must abide the timings provided by the SBKF/ISO during the events.
  • For check in and check out from the hotel.
  • The provided reporting time.
  • The schedule provided for the event.
  • On missing the bus as provided by the SBKF in that case you have to reach the venue of the event on own convenience.
  • Timings provided for taking meals like snack, lunch etc.

     4. Terms and conditions:

  • If you do not show up during the match, then you will be disqualified by giving a warning on the third announcement.
  • Not following the instructions and indecent behavior with umpire will be a ground for disqualification after giving warning.
  • Causing indiscipline during match will be a ground for disqualification.
  • Not wearing proper uniform can also be a reason for disqualification.
  • On misbehaving with the organizer or someone else, will be a ground to evict that participant/ guardian/coach from the event.
  • On dispute between 2 teams, the team found guilty will be disqualified from the event.
  • In case of depositing only half amount of fees, no I.D Card will be given and your name cannot be written in the event list.
  • If you are disqualified from the event due to any reason you do not have the right to claim.

5. Protest fees:

  • For raising objection during any sports or regarding results in the event, you may apply online after paying the protest fees.
  • No cost for raising first objection during the match, you may file second objection by applying online after depositing the protest fees.
  • On filing protest form the decision would be given by main coordinator as soon as possible.6.Late fee will be applicable on filling form after last date of submission.
  1. Form, documents, fees, requests all are accepted online and online receipts will be provided.
  2. For any kind of letter like selection letter, verification letter, invitation letter you have to apply online.
  3. You shall attend the meetings and have to follow all the instructions mandatorily.
  4. Any kind of misbehavior and indiscipline is unacceptable.
  5. In case the SBKF/ISO can’t reach to final decision, the decision of the President would be final.
  6. We may amend the rules in future according to our requirements and change in the SBKF/ISO’s policy.
  7. In special circumstances event can be postponed but can’t be canceled.
  8. We provide all the information regarding accommodation, food arrangements, pick up and drop facilities and any other related information through our website.
  9. You are obliged to deposit legal and valid documents. On submission of forged documents we can initiate legal proceedings against you.
  10. Any kind of indecent behavior and use of abusive language during SBKF/ISO and its related events. We may initiate legal proceedings against anybody found in contravention to this term.
  11. If any female player or coach experience any kind of indecent or misbehavior, they may complaint to the general secretary of the organization and to Mrs. Shiva Tiwari, Director, SBKF/ISO, and may file a complaint on website. The identity of the victim will remain hidden.
  12. Late fee will be applicable on filling form after last date of submission.
  13. On proven incompetency of the affiliated body to SBKF/ISO, members or any   other person may be terminated, permanently banned, black listed from the organization and fine will be imposed on them.
  14. Player must bring NOC and Consent letter with them while competing in championship.
  15. Coaches and members must attend the meetings arranged before event mandatorily.
  16. Schedule will be provided by the organization before the event.
  17. For participating in event the team must have their substitute players.
  18. It is the duty of the coaches to be on time and ensure the security of all the equipments and also safety of the participants during the matches.
  19. Players and their guardian will be responsible for their own equipments and other stuff.
  20. Players must comply with the rules of the game and event.
  21. If final match could not be completed due to changes in weather, lack of time, or any other reason in that case decision of the coordinator would be final.
  22. Not disclosing actual age will be a ground for disqualification.
  23. Maintaining discipline and safety of the players will be the duty of the coaches and players.
  24. Any person suffering from particular illness will be itself responsible for bringing required medicines.
  25. Resulting positive in doping test for national event will be a ground for disqualification. Resulting positive in doping test for international event will be a ground to initiate legal proceedings against that player and SBKF/ISO not being aware of this fact cannot be hold responsible for the same.
  26.  If anybody makes malafide entry in the event, the organization has the right to evict him/ her from the event without informing the reason.

Terms and condition:

  • SBKF/ISO provides two options for national and international event players. Either you can submit only entry fees and may do all the arrangements required in an event on your own or you can submit entry fees along with the fees for all the arrangements like accommodation, food arrangements etc which are already mentioned on website. We ensure to provide best quality services to the players but in special circumstances when things are out of control like during international & other events unavailability of suitable cuisine etc. You have to adjust with the available services and cannot claim against SBKF/ISO for the same.
  • For international events, our international team makes all the arrangements. As it is seen sometimes there is unavailability of the Indian or related cuisine in that case you have to adjust with the available services and cannot claim against SBKF/ISO for the same.
  1.  Organization can initiate legal proceedings against whomsoever text or comment threat and/or abusive language on social media pages/ WhatsApp or on phone call to any member of SBKF/ISO or to SBKF/ISO itself. If you have any complaint or query or want to give feedback, you may write us through website. No profanity is acceptable.
  2. SBKF/ISO do not guarantee any government job opportunities, with our certification. The motto of SBKF and ISO is to provide, bigger platform to the talented participants in our nation.
  3. There must be minimum 50 participants, for conducting international event. Not meeting this requirement till the last date of entry, will lead to postponement of the event.
  4. In cash prize events, not meeting minimum requirement of participants till the last date of entry, will lead to postponement of the event.
  5. Girls’ team must be accompanied by female coach, in absence of this, the team will be responsible for their own safety.
  6. We book all flight tickets from one vendor and in case you want to book your flight ticket, of another place, for that you have to pay additional charges to us and abide by some other rules along with this you have to reach hotel through your own convenience. The persons who don’t  want opt the full facilities, have to reach hotel on your own their convenience.
  7.  For registration the players, coaches, parents or others have to fill up the form online, along with the fees, on submission the registered person will get online receipt, in which the fees paid and due fees would be mentioned. SBKF/ISO will be responsible for the fees mentioned in the receipt given and if you will pay additional charges apart from fees mentioned in the receipt given to other, in this case SBKF/ISO will not be responsible.
  8. Players participating in the event with other coach or senior, they must have the full information of the coaches or seniors, so as to avoid deceit, fraud.
  9. As it is seen during international events the players, coaches, guardians representing India, often asked, contact number, face book ID & etc from the international team. These actions, which are done by the Indian players, coaches, not only tarnish the image of SBKF/ISO but India also on international level. It is the rule of SBKF/ISO that no player, coach from international India team will ask contact number or face book ID and etc have to abide by this rule.
  10. Online registration portal will be closed before 24 hrs of the event. Online registration will be closed on filling up of the seats of that particular sport.
  11. Before filling the form you must read all the rules-regulation, terms, conditions & policies.
  12. We provide rooms to members according to our arrangement and no separate rooms will be provided.
  13. To get umpireship or refereeship coaches have to fill properly the score sheet with signature, assigned to him/her and have to mention rank in it, before submitting it to SBKF/ISO. Proper training would be given to coach for assigning merit online on website.
  14. You must have to return all the equipments provided by SBKF/ISO like football, basketball, badminton, and leather ball after finishing of match, no matter whatever condition of equipments.


  1. We do not provide food facility in flights for international events, if you want to avail food service, then you your selves will have to pay for that.
  2. The information regarding, which countries will participate in our international event will be available on website. Visit our website for latest news regarding same.
  3. We book flight tickets collectively from one vendor, timings for check in and check out from the hotel is similar for everyone. If anybody wants changes in facilities provided, then he/she will be itself responsible for such facility and can’t create any pressure or claim from SBKF/ISO.
  4. There are different rules and regulations in every country therefore we go through them before visiting that country so as to avoid commission of violation of any law. There are different check in and check out rules in different countries which we have to follow and therefore do not expect you will get room by just visiting the hotel.
  5. In some countries like Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal etc we have seen lack of services like half cooked food, taste of food, hotel services etc in that case you have to adjust with whatever is possible as we cannot provide more than what is available.
  6. In international events, SBKF/ISO is responsible for sightseeing if they will mention on the website. But if you are interested in doing any activity other than provided by SBKF/ISO then you have to bear your own expenses.

Note :- 1. Add sightseeing, additional ticket charges will be born by the participants.

2. Decided day & date only be taken for sightseeing.

  1. During international event if any player, coach, parent are interested in sightseeing or shopping then he/she can do with prior permission from our organizer.
  2. In international event, on reaching the venue of event a meeting is conducted to discuss the schedule and other important points of concern. So that you must properly follow the schedule and get ready according to the provided timings. You have to abide by laws of the respective country and if commits violation of laws then SBKF will not be liable for such violation.
  3. On proven guilty for insolence or misbehavior by any players, coaches, parents, international organizer or SBKF/ISO may initiate legal proceedings against them.
  4. During international event if any destruction/damage is caused in hotel, ground or at any other place by you then SBKF/ISO reserves right to hold your certification until you make up for the loss.


  1. You have to apply online for membership. Online I.D card and certificate would be provided to the members, valid for 2 years.
  2. Members must keep all Information regarding events, conducted by them and must up-to-date the same information on the website.
  3. If any kind of dispute arises during state or district championship, organizational unit will be responsible for the dispute resolution and SBKF/ISO will not be responsible for that.
  4. Provided I.D, passwords and Back penal must be kept confidential mandatorily.
  5. Any kind of work like recording of data, transactions and any such kind of work must be completed during the given time limit and must be uploaded on website & must be submitted in the head office only.
  6. SBKF/ISO cannot be held responsible for any work done offline.
  7. For organizing any district, state or national championship, prior permission is necessary.
  8. After training, you can login to website through the login I.D and password for working on Back penal.
  9. If permission is being given to any event, such event cannot be canceled or postponed.
  10. For affiliated units, umpire and coordinator must be appointed according to their capabilities before the event.
  11. For affiliated units, Prior permission from the local authority & others is mandatory to organize any event.
  12. Plans regarding accommodation, food arrangements, ground plan, arrangement of umpire & other arrangements, must be prepared in written, prior to organize any district, state & national championship.
  13. All matches must be organized according to the rules of SBKF/ISO.
  14. Prior preparations must be done like strategy, schedule & other preparations of all the matches, so as to avoid the future problems.
  15. Score sheets must be prepared before organizing any event and on completion of the event respective score sheets must be preserved for the future need by SBKF/ISO. Signature by the umpire/ referee/captain on the score sheets of game is necessary.
  16. You must provide services of utmost quality so that no participant and their guardian & coaches, must not feel inconvenient  while availing our services.
  17. Medals and trophies to the participant (students) and memento, other rewards to the coaches will be given by organizational units while I.D card, participation certificates & merit certificates will be provided online by the SBKF/ISO.
  18. The logo of SBKF/ISO must be used in all events by the organizing affiliated units.
  19. Organizational units have to be very active during the programme. They must ensure safety of the participants (sports person). There must be special arrangements for the safety of the female sportsperson, participants and coaches.
  20. Membership will be given on agreement.
  21. You have to file reply within 3 days of serving of notice.
  22. If any person has taken normal membership on behalf of any other academy, club and others then proper training and kit must be provided to the participants.
  23.  Meetings must be conducted in regular intervals, considering the practice exercises, matches conducted and performances of the persons with membership on behalf of other academy, club and others. So as to appreciate their efforts, encourage them and to provide proper guidance for better performance.
  24. Documents submitted pertaining to affiliation must be proper and legally valid. We will hold you responsible for any forged document submitted.
  25. SBKF/ISO reserves the right, to cancel the membership of the member, belonging to the affiliated unit, if found not performing well and/or on proven unpardonable behavior/defect by serving a notice.
  26. If a member wants to part from SBKF/ISO or expelled by SBKF/ISO following any reason he/she has to surrender documents, I.D, password & others to SBKF/ISO.
  27. If any national level event gets canceled or postponed, the amount already submitted i.e. Rs.11000 for approval is non refundable.
  28.  If the renewal time of membership expires and the members do not apply for renewal, in that case his/her data will be deleted and he/she will not be able to avail those services. If that person still wants to be a member then he/she has to apply as a new member.
  29. All documents given by SBKF/ISO must be kept confidential and SBKF reserves rights to commence legal proceedings against you if found in contravention to this term.
  30. You cannot open any social media accounts in name of SBKF/ISO on basis of state/district affiliation and any membership. The  Information of social handles of SBKF/ISO like face book, Instagram  Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube will be provided by SBKF/ISO. You can promote/ publicize about events on your own social accounts or by creating WhatsApp groups. You yourselves will have to make your own championship promotional banner, then you have to send it to us and SBKF/ISO will upload it on website & other social media platforms.
  31. The person/ body holding membership of SBKF/ISO can use their letter heads, seal, and signature for official purposes.
  32. You must inform SBKF/ISO firstly regarding, organizing any event. In the foremost place SBKF/ISO will update the information of event on its social media platforms like face book, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn after that you can circulate the information of the same on your social accounts for the promotion of event.
  33. On approval for conducting any championship, member has to get another approval from SBKF/ISO for the promotional banner of event by sending it through WhatsApp or mail. On granting of permission, you can use the banner for promotion.
  34. Affiliated members of SBKF/ ISO cannot approach international level fellow worker, player, coach of SBKF/ISO not even through face book, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. If any person/body got separated from SBKF/ISO then it can neither tie up with SBKF/ISO international links nor hold any event in that country itself or with others. Also it cannot aid others for same. If found in contravention of this term, SBKF/ISO reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings against it.
  35. No special benefit will be provided, to any state affiliated members if, you will add the district members of your own state & of your own games to strengthen your own body.
  36. On taking membership from the SBKF/ISO you will not be able to participate in events, by private institutes except by government institutes. If you want to participate in the cash prize events or in local events of other organizations, then you have to take prior permission from main authority of SBKF/ISO, if this affects your performance in SBKF/ISO events then it will be a point of discussion.
  37. Organizational units have to send at least 14 best photos and one professional video at least of 3 to 5 min. only, through WhatsApp or Email, of your organized full event, within one week of completion of state and district championship.
  38. Proper maintenance of photo shoot and videos during championship event is must by organizing units.
  39. Members have to wear uniform (blazer and pant) mandatorily provided by SBKF/ISO in all the SBKF/ISO events.


  1. All documents will be accepted online.
  2. I.D Cards of players and coaches will be valid only for that event.
  3. All the data of players, coaches and members will be secured online by the organization.
  4. All the documents, letters, invitation letters, selection letters, verification letters & other will be shared online by the organization.
  5. Initiation of any legal proceeding will be subject of Gadarwara, M.P jurisdiction.
  6. Approval by organization is must for any kind of activity.
  7. Submission of audit reports and tax to government is done on yearly basis by the organization.
  8. We provide normal first aid facility.
  9. SBKF/ISO conduct workshops on regular intervals to provide guidance to coaches and members.
  10.  We provide all the information to the related person through prior notice.
  11. All the information of events and related to it like services provided during events, will be available on the website.
  12. Information regarding selection list, result list and all other lists is provided through website.
  13. SBKF/ISO uploads photos, videos & other information of its events on face book, Instagram, twitter, you tube, on website and on other social media platforms.
  14.  SBKF/ISO publishes its magazine of National, International & other events once in between 3 to 5 years.
  15. We honor winning student with medal and coach with memento.
  16. SBKF/ISO accomplishes its tasks through agreement.
  17.  SBKF/ISO reserves right to cancel membership or black list or permanently ban or impose fine on proven unpardonable behavior/ defect of the affiliated member or of any other member.
  18. We promote and follow welfare schemes and principles of fit India, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, Khelo India etc.
  19. Objective of this organization is to create awareness of health and sports and to encourage for better experience by participating in the competitions.
  20. The mission of the organization is to bring out the talent of the nation through this platform on national level & international level by conducting National championship and related International championship every  year and Cultural events, T.V events, and Cash Prize events on regular intervals.
  21. We do not permit to use our documents, logo, photos, videos, and our any other thing for another website or institute etc. SBKF/ISO holds the right to claim, if finds anybody in contravention to this term.
  22. In all SBKF/ISO district, state, national and international event, SBKF/ISO  logo must be used.
  23. You are obliged to deposit legal and valid documents. On submission of forged documents we can initiate legal proceedings against you.
  24. For granting membership of SBKF/ISO the procedure is accomplished with agreement work.
  25. Working of the organization depends on the yearly performance of the members.
  26. We offer opportunities to the children, old age, women, youngsters, disable people in sports and cultural events. We some time also provide financial support to poor and inefficient children.
  27. Organization conducts sports and cultural events to create awareness regarding physical and mental fitness and to encourage people for joyful living.
  28. We organize online events and online cash prize events to encourage people.
  29. Members must acknowledge the duty of care among the participants and must ensure the safety and welfare of the participants in sports. Therefore all the members are obliged to accept and adopt the general principles of safeguarding.
  30. We organize & get organize trial matches and camps to provide proper guidance to the participants.
  31. We constitute an experienced selection committee to conduct the trial matches.
  32. The age limit for participating in our event is U/4 to U/100.
  33. For verification of age proof, following documents can be submitted -Aadhaar card/ Birth-Certificate/ Voter ID/ Passport.
  34. Organization conduct matches on knock-out basis, on changing of pattern into league we notify that by mentioning in our banner.
  35. We organize events accompanying opening and closing ceremony.
  36. If anybody requires any legal or other document associated to our organization by sending an email with reason attached there. While considering the annexed reason with query, organization has the discretion power on whether to disclose the document or not.
  37. If anybody makes malafide entry in the event, the organization has the right to evict him/ her from the event without informing the reason.
  38. We may amend our rules and policies in coming future according to our necessity.
  39. According to our policy, we preserve documents for only 3 years, on completion of this period we cannot be held liable for any thing occurring to documents.
  40. We preserve the right to initiate legal proceedings with charge of defamation against the person allegedly involving our organization into court proceedings with no actual charges.
  41. If anybody requires any legal or other document associated to both of our organizations by sending an email with reason attached there. While considering the annexed reason with query, organization has the discretion power on whether to disclose the document or not.
  42.  Organization can initiate legal proceedings against whomsoever text or comment threat and/or abusive language on any social media platform/ WhatsApp or on phone call.

Refund Policy:

  1. For district, state, national:
  1. Online fee deposited for district, state, national event is non refundable.
  2. If the organization itself cancels the event in that case for 100% online fee submission you will get 75% refund and non refundable if less than 100%.
  3.  If the organization itself postpones the event in that case online fee submitted is non-refundable, but it will be adjusted in the future payments.

    For international events:

  1. If the organization itself cancels the event in that case for 100% online fee submission you will get 40% refund and non-refundable if less than 100%.
  2. If you are availing our services and even after our support in visa application it got rejected for whatsoever reason in that case after deduction of 40% of fees 60% would be refundable in your account.
  3. If you apply for visa on your own i.e. do not avail our services for applying visa and got rejected or due to any other reason cannot attend the event in that case fees submitted for the event is totally non refundable and you cannot claim for that.
  1. SBKF/ISO does not guarantee of government job opportunities with our certification. The motto of SBKF and ISO is to provide bigger platform to the talented in our nation.
  2. There must be minimum 50 participants for conducting international event. Not meeting this requirement till the last date of entry, will lead to postponement of the event.
  3. In cash prize events, not meeting minimum requirement of participants till the last date of entry, will lead to postponement of the event.
  4. Due to special circumstances like non availability/cancellation of reservations on train. Whatever can be the reason of non participation of players and teams in the event which further leads to improper competition among players & teams. In that case organization will gives walkover to team or player.
  5. To motivate players we award them with Best March Past, Best Uniform  and overall championship. Along with this we award coaches for bringing large numbers of players in the event.
  6. For conducting any international event, before publishing participating/involved country’s name on banner we ensure ground condition, hotel arrangement, accommodation, food arrangement, and local transport facility done by our international team which is conveyed through oral agreement. If no. of participants exceeds the fixed limit in that case to avoid any kind of inconvenience, one member from our organization will cross check all the arrangements by visiting the venue of the event.
  7. If any reporter, media, news reporter or any person related to media require any internal information associated to SBKF/ISO may email us query along with their I.D Card (of media) and hence on receiving SBKF/ISO advocate will respond to the same.
  8. To encourage players we conduct open championship events on regular intervals.
  9. SBKF/ISO organizes sports along with the cultural activities to fill enthusiasm in children and to motivate  them  in national events.